Language documentation funding

David Kaufman dvklinguist2003 at
Tue Oct 19 22:40:41 UTC 2004


I had another question which I wanted to ask before but forgot, not related to any particular language but on the subject of language documentation and research in general:

Is it possible to get individual or private funding in some amount when you're not currently academically connected to any university or organization (and, I might add, when one is not independently wealthy)?  I'm wondering because I've realized over the last week in ordering material (e.g. the Biloxi dictionary) that it can get expensive if you want to get all the info and material that's out there, but is not free.  (Dissertation copies alone are $35 a pop through U M I.)  I'm not sure if you HAVE to be part of a university or organization to receive such funding, or if it's possible to do it on one's own.  I'm sure there would have to be someone or some group who would have to verify work done or progress made somehow.

Anyone have ideas about this?  Is it possible, or is this just wishful thinking on my part until if and when I could get accepted into a PhD program or some other organization which could receive such grants on my behalf?  (I imagine this, if possible at all, may also be more difficult when working on an "extinct" language such as Biloxi, with only texts, and not actual fieldwork with native speaker informants.)


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