unicode Siouan

R. Rankin rankin at ku.edu
Tue Jan 18 23:09:53 UTC 2005

>   Gentium is good, but Doulos SIL is even better, or
> at least that's what
> people around this department seem to concur.

> The only real downside is that Doulos SIL makes the
> line
> spacing slightly larger than it would be with Times
> New Roman, so there is
> more space between lines than usual.

John Koontz's Siouan Doulos is based on the SIL Doulos
font and is very good.  The only problem has been the
fact that MACs seem to choke on it.  I'll have a look
at the latest version of SIL Doulos.  Actually Times
itself has nearly everything you'd want, but it lacks a
unitary character for nasal O (O with 'ogonek' beneath

My own experience with the spacing problem you mention
is that the Doulos letters are actually larger than the
Times New Roman letters in the same pitch.  I have
found that it comes out nearly perfect if you type your
TNR material in 12 and your Doulos material in the same
document in 11. This brings the size and spacing into
line.  The latest version of Gentium doesn't seem to
have this problem, although it's still not identical
with the TNR font.  If you type "The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog's back." in all three fonts,
you see that Gentium is fractionally longer, and SIL
Doulos is fractionally bigger and longer.  At least for
the versions I have.


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