Implied vs literal meaning

shokooh Ingham shokoohbanou at
Mon Feb 20 19:55:14 UTC 2006

Hi Alfred
The kiNhaN is an alternative to kiN or ki meaning
'the' .  It may be that kiNhaNyaN is a possible form
in songs.  While the -pe would be the plural -pi plus
the feminine sentence final marker -ye giving -pe.  If
it was spoken by a man it would be -pelo.  
--- "Alfred W. Tüting" <ti at> wrote:

> "Lakota wiyan kin nagi ksapa ye.
> Niye on etanyan wici caka caya.
> Oyate kin han yan waci niyape."
> "Lakota women think carefully.
> Our children are raised by you.
> The people rely on you."
>  > Yes i sort of agree with Alfred
> Lakhota wiNyaN kiN nag^i ksapa ye makes sense as
> translated.
> The second line seems to be
> niye uN etaNhaN wichichag^a ye
> probably "because of you, or for your sake or
> through
> you they (the people) grow or increase".  wichicag^a
> is from ichag^a "to grow" and usually wichicag^a or
> wichoicag^a means "the generations follow each
> other".
> Oyate kinhan (yan) wachiNniyape or more probably
> wachiNiyaNpe <<
> Thanks Bruce, this makes a lot of sense (icha'g^A -
> to spring up. grow, 
> as grass, a child etc.; to become, as a man B.). I
> obviously was led 
> astray by the translation 'our children': wishful
> thinking!
> Yet, there's no way to 'wici caka caya' ;((
> "Make them (the people) grow/increase through you!"
> "the people rely on you" is as translated from
> wachiNyaN "to rely on"
> Oyate kiNhaNyaN seems to be a slip for Oyate kiNhaN
> "the people" or perhaps the syllable -yaN came on in
> singing it ie as an extra meaningless syllable <<
> Yes, wachiN'yaN -> wachiNniyaN pi ye -> wachiNniyaN
> pe
> depend upon (you) makes sense.
> How would you translate *kinhaN' here? And the 'pi
> ye -> pe'?? if/when?
> Best regards
> Alfred

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