Most Frequently Used Verbs in OP

Rory M Larson rlarson at
Fri Jan 20 13:06:25 UTC 2006

> Can anyone advise a list of the most frequently used verbs in
Omaha-Ponca? Anyone ever looked into this?
I need this for a teaching grammar that is in progress.  Does any one have
a list, perhaps from a teaching syllabus? If not, can any one recommend a
reference citation or two?

I could probably come up with a fairly good list off the top of my head for
a start.  Or, we've been working on a dictionary project at UNL, pulling
out all the words in the first several stories in Dorsey.  I think we have
over four hundred words by now.  I could go through that and pull out
anything that I would subjectively consider a common verb.  Would that be
useful?  And if so, would you want stative verbs as well as active ones?


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