SIL Not Recommending SILDoulos IPA93 Now (fwd)

Justin McBride jmcbride at
Thu Jun 1 18:17:14 UTC 2006

>A repost from the Linguist List.  Note that SILDoulos IPA93 (or rather a
> modifiable relative of it) is the basis of the "Standard Siouan" fonts
> I've been circulating.  I think IPA93 is SIL's own IPA variant of the
> underlying SIL Doulos font.

I've been hard at work generating XML stuff for the Kaw language this year, 
which means I've been performing a lot of character swaps on our older 
materials to convert them to Unicode.  In particular, I've been working on 
converting the SS SIL Doulos/Sophia/Manuscript L fonts and CSD Doulos font 
with three "target fonts" in mind:  Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial Unicode MS, 
and Gentium.  At long last I think I've worked out some fairly useful tables 
of ordered changes for this purpose.  Now, I realize that Kaw 
phonology/orthography is unique to Kaw, but I'd be happy to provide what I 
have to anyone on the list who might need that kinda thing for another 
Siouan language.  I figure any place beyond square one is better than square 
one itself.  I must warn you, though, I've not had much luck at all with 
SIL's Consistent Changes program trying to implement my changes.  So I've 
had to rely on tables that I just print out and follow when I'm doing my 
mindnumbing find-and-replace tasks in Word or whatever other application I 
happen to be using.  This means that the info I would be willing to share 
may translate into a lot of work for you (like it does for me).  But again, 
I'd be happy to share what I have.

Justin McBride
Language Director & acting Webmaster
Kaw Nation
Drawer 50
Kaw City, OK  74641
PH (580) 269-1199
FX (580) 269-2301 attn Language/Web Dev
jmcbride at 

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