Titles, Mark 7

Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Fri Jun 2 23:37:19 UTC 2006

Most Recent Current List of Workshop Presentations

Remember:  Anything that anything that Randy needs to know in terms of the
Conference (SCLC) and Workshop per se needs to go to Randy, who is
organizing the conference, arranging schedules, etc.  I'm just sticking my
oar in to get everyone a list of topics.

Remember that the Workshop is not the SCLC.  The convenor of the SCLC
doesn't usually issue a list of papers until the opening of the

Workshop Papers (some are existing papers).

Boyle, John.	       Relative clauses, recursion, and clause junction.
Cumberland, Linda.     Motion Verbs.
Graczyk, Randy.        Clause Chaining.
Helmbrecht, Johannes.  Applicatives:  Locatives and Datives.
Ingham, Bruce.*        T-Words.  (To be actually delivered at the SCLC.)
Koontz, John.          Personal Pronominal Elements.
Koontz, John.          Pluralization.  (To be delivered at SCLC.)
Pustet, Regina.*       Oblique Case Marking in Siouan Languages (Postpositions).
Quintero, Carolyn.     Positionals with Nouns:  Dhegiha Data.
Rankin, Robert.        The Siouan Verb Prefix Template.
Rankin, Robert.        Active vs. Stative.
Reuse, Willem de.*     Compounding.  Very early draft may be available.
Trechter, Sara.        Markers of Illocutionary Force.

* = Unable to attend in person.

Less Concrete Plans for the Present:

Rood, David.**         Subordination types in Siouan.
Rudin, Catherine.**    Coordination and Juxtaposition.

** = Unable to attend in person, and may not be able to prepare a paper
     any time soon.

No Information Yet:

Eschenberg, Ardis.     ???
Marino, Mary.          ???
Anyone else            ???

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