How to pronounce things

david costa pankihtamwa at
Sat Jun 10 16:07:08 UTC 2006

As a speaker of a dialect that also merges all those vowels, I prefer to describe it as 'progressive'.

>Beats the heck out of me.  All 4 words have the same vowel to me.  At least I think they do.  But then, so do Merry, Marry and Mary, so maybe I just speak an impoverished dialect. 
>> Willem and Bob make me feel a little better about my memory. Maybe I
>assimilated the uncensored version before it was cleaned up. But now how
>about the final syllable? My preference is for -shah, but is -shaw a
>regional variant, as also in Atakapa, and in pa 'dad' pronounced as paw?
>And how about Arkansas?

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