OP: coming and going

Rory M Larson rlarson at unlnotes.unl.edu
Fri May 19 23:05:59 UTC 2006

John wrote:
> I think it's:
> PMVS    *(h)u            *ku              *hi   (vert *hki)
> Da          u             ku                i   (vert khi)
> Ks         hu (?)         gu               hi   (vert khi)
> stem        i 'come'      gi 'come back'   hi 'arrive there
> A1          phi           ppi              phi
> A2          s^i          s^ki              s^i
> A3           ai=i         agi=i            ahi=i
>> I believe s^i works in both directions.
> In a sense, per the above, but not for gi.

I see; that makes sense!  And that fills in the A1 for gi, s^ki as well.

So the (Pre?)Proto-Dhegihan forms might look like:

stem        (h)u 'come'      ku 'come back'   hi 'arrive there

A1          p-(h)u           p-ku             p-hi
A2          s^-(h)u          s^-ku            s^-hi

with pku -> hpu when double stop consonants were leveled, and u ->

Do we have evidence that pHi is/has been used in historical OP for 'I
came', rather than ppi?  In A3 at least, it seems that gi has been
expanding at the expense of i, certainly at least in the command form.
Might this have happened with A1 as well?  Pragmatically, the vertitive
form isn't necessarily that clearly distinguishable from the plain form.


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