
David Costa pankihtamwa at
Tue Nov 27 23:28:47 UTC 2007

I think the compilers of this list meant *Oklahoma* languages, since that's
the only way this list makes any sense. Ottawa has way more than five
speakers up in Canada, and outside Oklahoma, Alabama, Cayuga, Mikasuki,
Koasati, Mesquakie, and Seneca are definitely *not* extinct.


>>> Fluent, but for how long?
>>> Indian languages with fewer than five fluent speakers:
>>> Chirachua Apache
>>> Osage
>>> Otoe
>>> Ottawa
>>> Plains Apache
>>> Quapaw
>>> Wichita
>>> Indian languages with zero remaining fluent speakers:
>>> Alabama
>>> Cayuga
>>> Delaware (Lenape)
>>> Hitchiti, Mikasuki
>>> Kaw (Kansa)
>>> Kitsai
>>> Koasati
>>> Mesquakie (Fox)
>>> Miami, Peoria
>>> Modoc
>>> Natchez
>>> Seneca
>>> Tonkawa
>>> Wyandotte

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