"Watakpeya Tanka" (page 7)

Clive Bloomfield cbloom at ozemail.com.au
Sun Jan 20 22:27:07 UTC 2008

Dear Bruce, To have drawn a response from a scholar of your stature,  
I regard as a signal honour.
Thank you so much for this, and for all you have done for the  
furtherance of Lakotanist knowledge.
I simply could not do without your contributions, and am especially  
grateful for your English-Lakota dictionary.
Lila chiyuonihaN,
Clive Bloomfield.

P.S. The illustrated 1922 German-language 55-page abridgement of the  
multivolume Schurhammer biography, of which Wildenhues apparently  
produced an English version, was entitled

: "Franziskus Xavierus : Ein Leben in Bildern" von G. Schurhammer  
S.J. und Historienmaler R.E.Kepler. Kunstausgabe mit Kommentar.   
Xavierus=Verlag/Aachen, und Verlag des

Missionhauses Immensee (Schweiz). The 1925 Afraid-Of-Hawk Lakota tr.  
of Wildenhues, containing abt. 60 pages, used Kepler's illustrations.

On 21/01/2008, at 1:06 AM, shokooh Ingham wrote:

> Dear Clive,
> I'm glad that you have found the original (if it can be so called)  
> of this.  I bought a copy of the Wthakpeya Thanka a long time ago  
> and read it with enthusiasm, but found some passagess very  
> difficult to work out, particularly the early bits about his early  
> life in the mountains.  I must read through it again with your  
> notes to hand.
> Yours
> Bruce
> Sent from Yahoo! - a smarter inbox.

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