Comparative Siouan Grammar project

shokooh Ingham shokoohbanou at
Fri Jul 4 09:46:58 UTC 2008

Dear all,
I hope my relative silence hasn't been taken to indicate lack of interest.  I am very happy to contribute.  I believe in an earlier email someone had put me down for something on T-words.  This is just to confirm that I would be happy to contribute to such a section either alone or with others.

--- On Fri, 4/7/08, Ardis Eschenberg <ardisrachel at> wrote:
From: Ardis Eschenberg <ardisrachel at>
Subject: Re: Comparative Siouan Grammar project
To: siouan at lists.Colorado.EDU
Date: Friday, 4 July, 2008, 5:12 AM

Hmmm...I'm so not a fighter.  Catherine and I are on relatively good social terms and relatively opposite terms of syntactic theorizing.  Maybe we shouldn't even worry about this but let every chapter stand on its own (with some good editing).  People will be interested in this for the language and not the theory, so it would behoove us all to be theory light.  That said, sometimes you just can't help but love it when a plan comes together (Hannibal, the A-Team, 1987) and shows how great a theory is...

I'd be interested in the section on determiners/articles.


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