Attn: Jill Greer

Jill Greer Greer-J at MSSU.EDU
Wed May 7 15:01:27 UTC 2008

Hi, Linda,
I am sorry if that time estimate seems too brief -  Please don't assume that it is written in stone, it was just a rough number, allowing about 30 minutes total per person, and not being a stickler for the stopwatch.  Certainly since there is only one session going on, there is NO need to rush people or  cut people off as happens at bigger conferences. (I do hate that!)   

If you need more time for a paper, then just note that in your abstract, and I can allow for that.  If most folks would prefer 30 minutes, with another 10 for discussion, then I will adjust the program accordingly.  I am also looking forward to a friendly and open conversations on the topics at hand, and I certainly didn't mean to imply there was a change.  I have not been able to attend more than twice in the past summers, so any input or ideas from the core crowd is more than welcome.  

Thanks for bringing that up.  Anyone else having thoughts on time is welcome to chime in!


>>> "Cumberland,  Linda" <lcumberl at> 5/7/2008 7:17 AM >>>
Quoting Jill Greer <Greer-J at MSSU.EDU>:

> They are the traditional 20 minute papers that people can give on any 
> topic related to the  languages.

20 minutes?  Customarily, we've had 30 or even 40 - One of the things I 
have always appreciated about this conference is the time allowed for 
fuller presentation and meaningful discussion. Could we make a decision 
about this before the abstract deadline, please?


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