Workshop on Comparative Siouan Grammar - Lincoln 2009

Prof. Dr. Johannes Helmbrecht johannes.helmbrecht at
Tue Oct 28 13:29:42 UTC 2008

Dear Siouanists,

this is just a brief update on the planing of the workshop on "Comparative Siouan Grammar" to be held at 
the SACC conference in Lincoln,NE in June 2009. It is a reminder and at the same time a call for additional 
participants/ volunteers!

Up to now, nine people have confirmed to present a paper on the workshop:

Bob Rankin: 
a) Instrumentals b) suffixes/enclitics

Johannes Helmbrecht: 
Causative constructions

Willem de Reuse: 
Noun incorporation

John Boyle: 
Indefinite absolutive *waa-

Iren Hartmann: 

David Rood: 
Serial verb constructions

Randy Graczyk: 
Switch reference and clause chaining

Catherine Rudin: 
Coordination (AND, BUT, OR)

Bryan Gordon:
Topic- and focus-marking strategies in Omaha-Ponca and Jiwere (Bryan could perhaps expand this topic on 
a few other Siouan Languages too)

If there are further volunteers, please let us know soon

I would then kindly ask all Siouanists to share their expertise and data with these people in case that they 
need additional data to conduct the research necessary for their contribution on the workhop.

I would also suggest that we plan to reserve a time slot for the discussion on how to proceed with the CSG 
project. As far as I can see, it will be difficult to find volunteers for all the topics I listed in the last mail some 
weeks ago no matter how interesting they are. So we need to think about a less ambitious goal with regard 
to the planned volumes. The outcome could be that we aim at something like "Topics in Comparative Siouan 
Grammar" or the like. Anyway, we have to address this question and we have to create a realistic 
perspective for the research to be presented on this coming workshop as well as for the papers that were 
already presented in Billings.

All the best (also on behalf of John Boyle) 


Prof. Dr. Johannes Helmbrecht
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Universität Regensburg
Philosophische Fakultät IV 
Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Universitätsstr. 31
93053 Regensburg

Tel: ++49(0)941 943-3388
        ++49(0)941 943-3387 (Sekretariat)
Fax: ++49(0)941 943-2429
E-Mail:    johannes.helmbrecht at

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