Jimm GoodTracks jgoodtracks at
Wed Sep 9 22:15:10 UTC 2009

In a unanimous vote of the Iowa (Kansas & Nebraska) Tribal Executive Committee this afternoon, have approved to host the 2011 Siouan Conference at the tribal complex including the use of the Ogdon Building.  In addition to 4 near-by cedar cabins that are available, the Committee offer a block of their 20 room Motel and Meeting Center at their Squaw Creek Truck Stop & Motel location on Hywy #    near Mound City, MO.  Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Meals are served daily.  It is about 20 miles East of White Cloud, KS. 

A letter of confirmation will be forthcoming.

Preliminary information and general perusal can be found at the tribal web site:

Stay tune for forthcoming details in the next twenty (20) as per the group's direction. 
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