Request for info: Siouan and Caddoan Conference

Northeastern university jp-boyle at
Tue May 18 22:34:37 UTC 2010

Hi All,

Here is the tentative schedule.  I have had to accommodate a number of
different arrival and departure dates.  I also had a number of people as if
there would be time to see any of the sights in Chicago (I have left
Saturday afternoon open for this).  Please let me know if I have scheduled
your talk sometime when you won¹t be in Chicago!  Things may still move
around a bit, but hopefully not too much.

All the best,


John P. Boyle
Assistant Professor
Department of Linguistics

On 5/18/10 4:27 PM, "Northeastern university" <JP-Boyle at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I¹m putting together a tentative conference schedule right now (it should be
> done this afternoon or tomorrow morning).  As of now we don¹t have a lot of
> presentations specifically for the Comparative Workshop, so I¹ve just folded
> those in where they seem to fit (with a roundtable discussion about the
> project on Friday).  In addition, we don¹t have many language revitalization /
> pedagogical papers, so the few we have I have tried to group together on
> Saturday morning.  In addition, a number of people won¹t be here for all four
> days, so I am also trying to take that into account and lastly, I am still
> waiting on a possible last minute submissions.  As of now we have 23 or 24
> presentations.
> Your patience is greatly appreciated.
> All the best,
> John
> John P. Boyle
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Linguistics
> On 5/18/10 4:13 PM, "Justin McBride" <jmcbride at> wrote:
>> Hey, gang,
>> I hate to ask a question that may have already been answered elsewhere, but
>> do we know for sure what days will be devoted to the comparative grammar
>> workshop and what days will be specifically for the conference proper? Linda
>> and I are trying to coordinate her travel up to Chicago, but our dept'l
>> budget is so slim on this line item that we can't send her to both the
>> workshop and the conference. So we're shooting for just the conference dates
>> only--and, yes, she plans on presenting a paper. I assume those dates will
>> just be Friday and Saturday. Am I right about that?
>> I won't be able to make it up, myself. But I'll miss y'all, and hope to see
>> you next year... Lord willin' and the creek don't rise. :)
>> Thanks,
>> -Justin

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