SCLC update

David Kaufman dvkanth2010 at GMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 21 18:01:27 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Sorry I have been quiet for a while, but teaching assistant duties are
taking up much of my time right now.  But here is the latest info I have as
far as presentations:

   Awakuni-Swetland, Mark Omaha Creeping crawling critters: When we lose
the bugs we lose the language 30 yes  Boyle, John Mandan, Hocąk Internally
and Externally Headed Relative Clauses in Mandan and Hocąk 30    DeMallie,
Ray Lakota Lakota Personal Names 30    Gebhardt, Lewis Crow Topic/focus
markers in Crow 30    Gordon, Zachary Crow Crow Clause Chaining: Structure
and Scope 30    Graczyk, Randolph Crow State of the Crow language 30
Iren Siouan  Bundling Siouan Dictionary resources 30 yes  Helmbrecht,
Johannes Hocąk spatial relations 30    Kaufman, David Biloxi Positional
Auxiliaries in Biloxi 30 yes  Larson, Rory Omaha Early Presbyterian
Transcriptions of Omaha Before Dorsey 30    Marino, Mary Stoney  Vegreville
mss 30    Moaton, Tania Crow Crow Narrative Discourse Analysis 30    Park,
Indrek Hidatsa Sound Symbolism in Hidatsa 30 yes  Parks, Doug Pawnee Pawnee
Personal Names 30    Rankin, Robert Siouan Grammaticalization of *?uN 'be'
and *u 'be pl' in Siouan languages 30    Richardson, Marty Tutelo
Songs 30    Rood,
David Wichita (Caddoan) ? 30    Rudin, Catherine Omaha-Ponca Reduplication
30    Sans Souci, Alice Omaha Language-learning demonstration 30    Schwarz,
Saul Chiwere History of Chiwere Documentation 30    Wilmes, George Siouan Past
Applications of Optimality Theory to Siouan Language Data and Phenomena: A
Review of the Literature 30 yes
I have set the time needed for presentation default to 30 min. (20 min. +
10 min. discussion) unless you tell me otherwise.  If you need a bit
longer, like 40 min. (30 min. talk + 10 min. questions) please let us know
soon.  Those on the above list that have a "yes" after their names have
submitted an abstract.  While not required, those who have not can still
submit an abstract if you'd like.

Also, please let us know (a couple already have) of your arrival time at
KCI (MCI) if you'd like to arrange for transportation.  Three of us locals
(Bob, Kathy, and I) are willing to make airport trips if we can gather up a
few of you at one time.  If we know ahead of time what time you'll be
arriving, we can group you together at certain times for a pick-up.  (Of
course this isn't necessary if you're planning to take the Roadrunner
shuttle [which you must reserve ahead of time] or you're driving to

Thanks.  Time is flying; see you soon!

David Kaufman, Ph.C.
University of Kansas
Linguistic Anthropology
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