Updated list of presentation topics for SCLC 2012

Saul Schwartz sschwart at PRINCETON.EDU
Thu Mar 8 20:47:10 UTC 2012

Whoops, meant to send that to David, not the list. Glad to hear there's
interest, though! -Saul

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 2:43 PM, David Costa <pankihtamwa at earthlink.net>wrote:

> For what it's worth, people give talks like that at the Algonquian
> Conference on Algonquian languages all the time (me among them).
> Dave Costa
> Hi David,
> Do you think people would be interested in a presentation on the history
> of Chiwere documentation? I would hope to raise issues relevant to Siouan
> linguistics, but it would not necessarily develop a linguistic topic in the
> sense of advancing our understanding of Chiwere structural features. At
> this point, I'm thinking about something on the orthography and
> distribution of missionary texts in Chiwere from the 1830s-1850s and its
> relation to the history of frontier printing. I may also compare the early
> missionary materials to those of later BAE and Boasian ethnologists and
> ethnographers like Dorsey, Marsh, and Whitman. If you do think it would be
> of interest, you can go ahead and put me on the list. But please don't be
> afraid to say something if you don't think it would fit---I won't be
> offended.
> Best,
> Saul
> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 12:47 PM, David Kaufman <dvkanth2010 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just FYI: here is an updated list, based on your feedback and
>> corrections, of presentation topics so far submitted.  Any additions or
>> corrections, please let me know.  Thanks!
>> Awakuni-Swetland, Mark    Omaha    Creeping crawling critters: When we
>> lose the bugs we lose the language
>> Boyle, John    Hidatsa    Valency and dative -ki- in Hidatsa
>> Graczyk, Randolph    Crow    State of the Crow language
>> Hartmann, Iren    Siouan     Bundling Siouan Dictionary resources
>> Helmbrecht, Johannes    Hocąk    Spatial relations in Hocąk
>> Kaufman, David    Biloxi    A Biloxi topicalization particle in Natchez:
>> a case of language contact
>> Marino, Mary    Stoney     Vegreville mss
>> Park, Indrek    Hidatsa    Sound Symbolism in Hidatsa
>> Rankin, Robert    Siouan    Grammaticalization of *?uN 'be' and *u 'be
>> pl' in Siouan languages
>> Richardson, Marty    Tutelo    Songs
>> Rood, David    Wichita (Caddoan)    ?
>> Rudin, Catherine    Omaha-Ponca    Reduplication in Omaha-Ponca
>> Wilmes, George    Crow    wh questions?
>> --
>> David Kaufman, Ph.C.
>> University of Kansas
>> Linguistic Anthropology
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