Correction re: nouns and verbs

jmacfarl at UNM.EDU jmacfarl at UNM.EDU
Mon Feb 22 17:16:37 UTC 1999

Hi all,

I wanted to clear something up that I said in my last post.  I said:
>If I understand you correctly you are saying that the classifier
>handshape used to represent a PLANE is a type of verb -even
>its used to represent a stationary plane. Also, that what we might
>want to call nouns in ASL and DGS are simply classifier
>handshapes that are not showing any action.

I thought that Sonja was making the comments as an extension of
her arguement that there were no nouns and verbs. In reality this
was a quote from Adam Schembri (which I overlooked).

He pointed out to me that he was not making these claims, only that
he was using the term classifier handshape to "refer to to the
handshape component of signs which, as a whole, act as verbs
and/or nouns."

Thanks for helping me to understand that Adam.
James MacFarlane
University of New Mexico

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