Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D. bralich at HAWAII.EDU
Wed Feb 24 23:53:22 UTC 1999

I am looking for software developers and programers
who have some experience with print-to-sign to
coordinate a project that will allow question and
answer practice with signs (using standard English
syntax) such that a person could work with signs
for both sides of a dialog.  This is meant to be
a prototype system that later will add ASL syntax,
and other technologies as they become available.

Phil Bralich

Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Ergo Linguistic Technologies
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 175
Honolulu, HI 96822

Tel: (808)539-3920
Fax: (808)539-3924
bralich at

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