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Beppie van den Bogaerde beppie at CRYSTAL.FEO.HVU.NL
Mon May 31 07:33:36 UTC 1999

oops - something went wrong with the last message I send

I agree with Adam on the acquisition of flection/agreement etc. by young
deaf children. It is very interesting to see, that before 3;0 deaf children
of deaf mothers hardly produce agreement HOWEVER - I found that deaf mothers
do NOT offer much agreement in verbs, they don't offer many verbs at all.
Only around age 2;6 deaf mothers (in the Netherlands, n=6) begin to inflect
the verbs they offer to the children. We think one of the reasons might be
the here-and-now nature of the interaction, which might enhance the use of
deictics, which in its turn would inhibit the use of agreement. well- we are
still working on this :-)

And Adam, could I get the references of Casey and Casey & Kuender (1998) you
mentioned? Also, does anyone have the email adress of Jana Iverson?

Thanks all
bye for now
Beppie van den Bogaerde

Beppie van den Bogaerde
Teacher/Interpreter SLN Training
Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek
Hogeschool van Utrecht
 P.O.Box 14007
3508 Utrecht
The Netherlands
FAX *31302540349

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