SL Corpora
Inmaculada C. Baez
cbaez at UVIGO.ES
Tue Sep 7 10:19:10 UTC 1999
Dear networkers:
We received a lot of answers to our question about SL corpora. We thank
very much all the contributions.
The projects we have been informed about are mentioned in this message,
with a very brief description of their content and/or goals. When there
exists a website the address will be offered as the sole information.
The order of appearance is fortuitous.
Inmaculada Baez & Carmen Cabeza
(University of Vigo, Spain)
1. “Signing books”
Project partners:
City University (UK)
Universität Hamburg (DE)
Signum (DE)
sDG (NL)
Project Coordinator: Liesbeth Pyfers (NL)
2. Dan Slobin & Jennie E. Pyers
University of California at Berkeley
Working on a “database for video transcriptions of SL of the
3. Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta
Orebro University (Sweden)
She has “videotaped naturally occurring interaction in classroom
settings where Swedish SL is the language of instruction (about 50
hours of videodata)”
4. James MacFarlane
University of New Mexico
Compiling a corpus of ASL; using pre-recorded video-tapes; coding
information (about sex, age and social differences) in a database
5. Robert G. Lee
Boston University
6. Ulrike Zeshan
Research Centre for Linguistic Typology, Australian National University
A corpus collected from India and Pakistan consisting of spontaneously
signed discourse; using the CHILDES program for analysis (as a system
for transcription)
Now developing a LS typological project (on interrogative an negative
7. Graeme D. Kennedy & David McKee
Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
Compiled and analyzed a transcribed corpus of about 100,000 sign
tokens. A gloss is assigned to each sign, and the the corpus is
analyzed using WordSmith
8. Franz Dotter
University of Kagenfurt (Austria)
Delivered a proposal for electronic sign language lexica
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