Call For Papers - OBO CIT Program Chair

Paul Cowley pcowley at TERPSNET.COM
Thu Mar 9 13:01:57 UTC 2000

October 18-21, 2000
Portland, Oregon

This convention represents the 21st anniversary of the founding of CIT,
making it an excellent time to look back and look forward into the new
millennium. CIT members are committed to excellence in the education of
interpreters. We know that such excellence requires us to collaborate
with many different constituencies, forming partnerships that will keep
us growing and strong.

ABSTRACTS: Papers are encouraged on any topic related, but not limited
to the theme. Presenters are encouraged to submit papers directed at
audiences in the following three tracks:

(1) Instructors of American Sign Language
(2) Educators in Interpreter Preparation Programs
(3) Educators conducting short-term inservice training.

Presentations will be either one and one-half hour or three hour
Abstracts need to indicate which time slot you prefer.

PROCEDURE:  Five copies of an anonymous 500-word abstract (one-page,
unreduced) should be submitted with an identifying cover letter.   This
cover letter should include your name, the title of your proposed
presentation, and the phone and street address at which you wish to
receive notification.  Email and fax submissions will be not accepted.

DEADLINE:  Abstracts need to be postmarked by April 1, 2000.

ACCEPTANCE:  Letters of acceptance will be mailed by May 15, 2000.

PLEASE NOTE:  The 2000 Convention Proceedings will be available at the
convention.  Presenters are required to submit their conference papers
prior to the convention.  Papers must be submitted in both hard copy and
on disk: email submissions will not be accepted.  Papers are due August
15, 2000.
Detail of this procedure will be included in letters of acceptance.

Annette Miner
CIT Program Committee Chair
Salt Lake Community College
4600 South Redwood Road
PO Box 30808
Salt Lake City, Utah 84130-0808

Up thumb, Paul Cowley "The Interpreters' Network"
mailto:PCowley at
Suite 230, 1326 Huron Street, London, Ontario, Canada, N5V 2E2

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