
girodmarc girodmarc at VTX.CH
Sun Oct 22 13:07:46 UTC 2000

After reading Dave and Andrea's message on seminars... I thought it
could be interseting for me to inform you of the following (even though
it doesn't take place in England )

University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) organises every year a few days of
formation on different themes. The theme selected for 2001 is "Deafness,
bilingualism & Speech therapy". The formation  will take place on 7 days
(18th of january, 13th of february, 16th of march, 5th and 6th of april,
28th of may and 8th of june).

For anyone that would be interested... go to the web site: or you can mail to foco at
you'll find all the differents informations on the speakers, themes,


A.-Claude Prélaz

Anne-Claude Prélaz
girodmarc at
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