Gov't. Doesn't See Signing As A "Demand" Profession

Fidyl at WEBTV.NET Fidyl at WEBTV.NET
Tue Sep 12 17:00:19 UTC 2000

I was laid off in February and collected unemployment until it ran out.

During this time, I looked actively for jobs, but was turned down in my
'profession' because I had reached the top of the salary range.

When I discovered that unemployment offered training to better your
profession, or to pursue a new one should your profession not be 'in
demand,' I applied.

This process took two (2) months for me to find out that when I insisted
that I wanted to go back to school to get my degree in Sign Language,
that it was not an 'in demand' vocation.

Well, I just opened one of my other hobby magazines and found that this
same condition does not apply to teachers of Yoga (which is what I do to
put food on the table).  A Yoga instructor and attorney from New York
were able to take the government's stance on this being a not 'in
demand' occupation and overturned it.

I contacted the magazine and got the telephone number of the attorney.
I plan on calling him this weekend (cheaper rates :-)

Does anyone know how I can pursue this so that the government not only
pays for my schooling (I am completely serious about working in the Deaf
community - I am currently paying full tuition out of my own pocket and
going full-time to a school that is 100 miles daily), but also
recognizes the needs of the Deaf to be 'mainstream?

ThanX in advance for any advice, information or contacts you can send

S. Fla.
Live Simply So That
Others May Simply Live

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