query: relationships between sign languages

Angus B. Grieve-Smith grvsmth at UNM.EDU
Thu Dec 6 23:51:12 UTC 2001

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, Trude Schermer wrote:

> The lexicon of the Northern variety of Sign Language of the
> Netherlands has some links with French Sign language lexicon and hence
> ASL, due to the fact that the founder of the school for the deaf in
> the Northern part of Holland (Guyot School) went to visit de lÉpee in
> Paris. He returned to Holland with new ideas about deaf education but
> also with signs that he learned during his stay in Paris.

	Thanks, Trude, for this information.  I'm interested in how it
fits in with our earlier discussion on standardization.  When there's a
difference between the Northern and Southern varieties, which one wins?

				-Angus B. Grieve-Smith
				Linguistics Department
				University of New Mexico
				grvsmth at unm.edu

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