Fw: (Fwd) Tr: Colloque International Mai 2001 à Paris

Jo Atkinson j.r.atkinson at CITY.AC.UK
Fri Mar 9 15:01:26 UTC 2001

Just to let people know that I have arranged a team of 3 British sign
language interpreters at this conference on language, cognition and the
brain. Please spread this information among Deaf colleagues (BSL/AUSLAN
users) who might be interested in attending.

Please view the website below- the conference is free to register - you only
need to pay for travel and accommodation.  If any British deaf people are
interested and have access to work money for interpreters please could you
let me know if you would be prepared to split the costs with my ATW budget.

Jo Atkinson

Vous trouverez ci-apr í±  l'addresse html d'une conf }° ence qui aura
G© aris du 3 au 5 mai intitul }Þ  "Langage, Cerveau et D }Ö eloppement
Cognitif".  Aucune inscription n'est n }š}± saire.



A conference on "Language, Brain and Cognitive Development" will be taking
place in Paris from May 3 to 5.  If you would like more information about
this meeting please click on the following address.  Please note that you
do not need to register in order to attend.


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