ref. van den Bogaerde

Anne Baker aebaker at HUM.UVA.NL
Mon Mar 26 12:33:32 UTC 2001

Full reference is:

E.M. van den Bogaerde (2000) Input and interaction in deaf families LOT
publishers, Utrecht , The Netherlands
ISBN 90-76864-01-2, NUGI 941

gr. Anne Baker

At 22:10 24-3-01 -0800, Allen Gardner wrote:
>Please could you help a busy colleague with the title of the book or
>journal of your reference to van den Bogaerde 2000.
>On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Anne Baker wrote:
>> >From the work done on NGT (van den Bogaerde 2000, p.115) there was no
>> indication of the sign advantage  in either deaf childen or hearing
>> children learning NGT. The range was 10-14 months for the first sign to
>> appear.
>> Anne Baker
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prof. dr. Anne E. Baker
chair of Psycholinguistics and Language Pathology
chair of Sign Language of the Netherlands
Department of Linguistics and Literature
University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 210
1012 VT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel. +31-20-525-3853
Secr. + 31-20-525-3864
fax. +31-20-525-3021
texttelephone:    -3820
email. aebaker at NB CHANGED!!
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