
Anne Baker aebaker at HUM.UVA.NL
Thu May 10 07:36:57 UTC 2001

Dear Brigitte,

please see the article published on the Intersign website on SL acquisition
methodology - many points apply to SL studies in general.
reference: Methods and Procedures in Sign Language Acquisition A. Baker, B.
van den Bogaerde, J. Coerts & B. Woll (1999)

See also the special issue forthcoming in the Journal of Sign Language and
Linguistics from the Intersign project Databases and transcription. You can
contact Penny Boyes-Braem or Thomas Hanke about this.

Where are you working in Hungary?

yours sincerely,

Anne Baker

 At 17:39 9-5-01 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear Members,
>Could somebody provide me with some bibliography on SL research
>Brigitta Horvath
>horvathb at
NB All appointments via the secretary's office: tel 020-525-3864 or email:
atw at

prof. dr. Anne E. Baker
chair of Psycholinguistics and Language Pathology
chair of Sign Language of the Netherlands
Department of Linguistics and Literature
University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 210
1012 VT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel. +31-20-525-3853
Secr. + 31-20-525-3864
fax. +31-20-525-3021
texttelephone:    -3820
email. aebaker at NB CHANGED!!
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