request for materials

Christopher Miller miller.christopher at UQAM.CA
Wed May 30 21:20:20 UTC 2001

I'm passing on a request which was originally posted to the LINGUIST 
bulletin board, from an individual who is moving to a new position at 
Georgia College in Milledgeville, GA and is looking for books or articles 
on ASL linguistics. The position she is taking up is an English 
Linguistics position, but she is interested in moving into ASL linguistics 
as well. (She has "written and presented a paper about signs changing due 
to the pressures of political correctness" though her work is still at a 
preliminary stage.) Unfortunately, according to her, the dean of the 
department is strongly opposed to teaching ASL as a foreign language.

She says, "the ling notice board message that I posted was an attempt to 
locate and buy any ASL or SL texts which someone might be getting rid of 
(lack of interest, lack of space, retiring, etc.)  The library at Georgia 
College is abysmal, and with the Dean dead set against studying and 
teaching ASL, I probably won't get funds to purchase any books relating to 

If anyone thinks they can in any way help her out, please contact her at:

"Megan E Melancon" <mmelan2 at>

¶ Christopher Miller
¶ Adjunct professor
¶ Department of linguistics and language teaching
¶ Université du Québec à Montréal
¶ Box 8888, “Centre-Ville” Postal Station
¶ Montreal QC H3C 3P8
¶ Canada
¶ +1 514 987-3000 x 2361 (voice)
¶ miller.christopher at uqam.cachristophermiller at

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