Metathesis in signs

Rachel Channon rcrain at WAM.UMD.EDU
Sun Oct 14 17:14:08 UTC 2001

Does anyone on this list know if metathesizing signs can be found in
languages other than ASL?  The type of sign I am referring to has been
discussed by a number of researchers, and includes signs like DEAF and
FLOWER.  In DEAF, the index finger may contact the ear first, then the chin,
or the chin first and then the ear.  In FLOWER, the bunched fingertips
contact either nostril first.  These differences in sequence don't affect
the meaning of the sign.  Liddell & Johnson 1989 list about 15 such signs,
and I have found others, such as JESUS where the middle finger contacts the
palm of the other hand, and then the other middle finger contacts the palm
of the other hand, and FRIEND where the two index fingers clasp and reverse
so that the index finger that was on the top is now on the bottom.  Another
example is BOOTS, where the pulling on of a boot may be mimed directed at
either leg first.
I would be very interested in hearing about similar signs in other sign
Rachel Channon
University of Maryland

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