Metathesis in signs/motor economy

Nancy Frishberg nancyf at FISHBIRD.COM
Thu Oct 18 14:28:10 UTC 2001


Just to bring you back full circle after Jorg's, Mark's and Onno's

And Björn Lindblom was a member of the phonology cluster at the
Dahlem Workshop that I referred to, along with me, Harlan Lane, and
about 6 other people who know about spoken languages, motor control,
perception and ecology (in the Gibsonian sense).

Our summary report was called "The Structuring of Language by the
Requirement of Motor Control and Perception."  It's in a volume
published by Verlag Chemie GmbH in 1980.  I'm sure the full reference
is in the Hamburg bibliography under Quentin Summerfield's name as
first author.
Nancy Frishberg  +1 650.556.1948  nancyf at

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