one-handed signing

B. Woll b.woll at CITY.AC.UK
Wed Feb 27 18:30:11 UTC 2002

I am not aware of any systematic modifications for use with one hand.
bear in mind that, even if there were a special dialect of some sort, she
might only be understood by other users of the system. I assume we're
talking about ASL here ... I think perhaps she can cue the meaning of
signs by using initials wherever possible.
By the way, I've just made a discovery I'm very excited about .. you all
(especially the OTs) probably know about this, but Windows contains a
one-handed keyboard option - just go into Control Panel, then
Options, then tick "Stickykeys". I am using it at the moment, and you'll
notice I can actually produce capital letters and punctuation! Saves
ordering special equipment if you've got hemiparesis or like to drink
while typing.
 Don't know if this helps at all ..
Alice Thacker

and see our site below
Dr. Bencie Woll
b.woll at
Chair of Sign Language and Deaf Studies
Language and Communication Science
City University, Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8354 (voice) 8314 (textphone)
Fax: +44 (0)20 7040 8577

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