Phonology of numerals

Mark A Mandel mam at THEWORLD.COM
Tue May 14 22:41:50 UTC 2002

On Tue, 14 May 2002, Adam Schembri wrote:

#I am familiar with the fact that classifier constructions are not
#constrained by the symmetry or dominance condition :-). However, I
#believe that the examples from Auslan cannot be analysed as
#classifier constructions. These are clearly signs from the
#monomorphemic core native lexicon. The Auslan signs MIDDLE and
#COINCIDENCE involve a dominant B oriented pinky side downwards making
#contact with a non-dominant Middle (the 5 hand with the middle finger
#bent at the base joint). The signs LAST and MENSTRUAL-PERIOD involve
#a dominant B handshape contacting a non-dominant I. They dominant
#hand in each case is clearly the B handshape which moves and not the
#Middle or I which are held still.

An ASL sign I learned for 'cut class, skip' also has asymmetrical
nondominant open-8:
 nondominant open-8 (all fingers extended, loosely bent, with middle
finger bent furthest), palm down;
 dominant 1 (index extended from fist), palm left/inward;
 dominant moves inward, with the palmar surface of the index striking
the dorsal surface of the nondom. bent middle finger in passing and
bending it further, out of the dom. index's way.

-- Mark A. Mandel
   Linguist at Large

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