PhD position on SL acquisition, U Amsterdam

Onno Crasborn o.crasborn at LET.KUN.NL
Wed May 15 13:35:18 UTC 2002

Hello list members,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the following wasn't announced
yet on the list: there are 4 PhD positions open at the University of
Amsterdam. People can apply to one of 10 candidate projects; one
concerns "Phonology and its relationship to the lexicon in NGT first
and second language acquisition". (NGT = Nederlandse Gebarentaal,
Sign Language of the Netherlands).

Further information, including a project description, is available on
The deadline for applying is May 31st.


  Onno Crasborn

  Address:      Dept. of Linguistics
                University of Nijmegen
                PO Box 9103
                NL-6500 HD  Nijmegen
                The Netherlands

  Phone:                (+31) (0)24 36 11377
  TTY:          (+31) (0)24 36 11502
  Fax:          (+31) (0)24 36 12177

  E-mail:       o.crasborn at

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