Any conference on deaf education?

Nathalie Niederberger Nathalie.Niederberger at PSE.UNIGE.CH
Thu Feb 26 15:52:41 UTC 2004

A conference on deaf education is in preparation in Geneva, Switzerland, 
for Fall 2005
The theme is "multiculturalism and deaf education"
Call for papers coming in few weeks
For more information please contact: Saskia Delachaux <sasdel72 at>

At 15:05 26.02.2004 +0800, you wrote:
>Dear all,
>Does anyone have information about
>conferences/symposiums on deaf education in 2004/5?
>Thank you very much.
>Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies
>Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Nathalie Niederberger

Docteur en Psychologie
Université de Genève
- 1.10.02 - 1.04.04 -
International Research Scholar
at SFSU & UC Berkeley, USA

Department of Special Education
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Ave.
Burk Hall Room 154
San Francisco, CA 94132

phone: + 1.415.459.2054
efax: + 1.815.377.8106

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