Command or imperative

Beppie van den Bogaerde beppie.vandenbogaerde at
Fri Apr 18 17:39:34 UTC 2008

Dear Odd-Inge,
In my research on the Input and Interaction in deaf families (2000) I found that the deaf mothers also used imperatives with their children. Although I haven't looked at the exact form (more at the functions) I do have the films and transcripts of these utterances. It would mean some work to get it all sorted out, but you are more than welcome to have a look at it. 
My thesis is available on -> choose publications and search by year. 
Perhaps you can use it ?
Beppie van den Bogaerde / Lector Dovenstudies / Faculteit Educatie / Coördinator Master Dovenstudies/Leraar NGT / Instituut Gebaren, Taal & Dovenstudies / Padualaan 97 3584 CH Utrecht / Postbus 14007 / 3508 SB Utrecht / beppie.vandenbogaerde at / tel: +31 (0) 6 508 24 110


Van: slling-l-bounces at namens Odd-Inge Schröder
Verzonden: vr 18-4-2008 13:55
Aan: A list for linguists interested in signed languages
Onderwerp: [SLLING-L] Command or imperative


The authors Baker and Cokely in their American Sign Language I-V
(1980:V:139)  mentioned imperative or command in the following sentences:

"In general, commands are sentences that order the Addressee to do
something. Although there has been little study of commands in ASL, we
do know that they are usually indicated by stress (emphasis) on the verb
and usually direct eye gaze on the Addressee. This stress usually
involves making the sign faster and sharper. As explained in the section
on Transcription Symbols, we indicate that a sign is stressed by writing
an asterisk (*) after the sign".

I cannot believe that in all the years since 1980 there has not been any
research on commands or imperative in ASL or in other sign languages? I
have not found anything in the International Bibliography of Sign Language.

I still hope that there is somebody who can help me with references to
books and papers?

Best regards,

Odd-Inge Schroder,
Associate professor, cand.philol.
Department of Special Needs Education
Signing and interpreting section
University of Oslo

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