workshop on gestures
Ulrike Wrobel
ulrike.wrobel at
Tue Feb 5 08:17:21 UTC 2008
30th Annual Convention of the German Society of Linguistics
Bamberg (27.-29.2.2008)
Workshop 11
Gestures: A comparison of signed and spoken languages
Ulrike Wrobel, Cornelia Mueller, Jens Hessmann
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
14:00-14:30 Konrad Ehlich (München/ Berlin, Germany)
Nonverbal – international? Oder von der vermeintlichen
Universalität der Gestik und ihren universal-theoretischen Gründen
14:30-15:00 Adam Kendon (Philadelphia, Naples, USA/ Italy)
Some reflections on ‘gesture’ and ‘sign’
15:00-15:30 Gisela Fehrmann (University of Cologne, Germany)
Shifters: The gestural dimension of symbolic
reference in German Sign language
15:30-16:00 Jennie Pyers (Wellesley College, Boston, USA), Pamela
Perniss (MPI for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University Nijmegen, The
Netherlands), Karen Emmorey (San Diego State University, San
Diego, USA)
Viewpoint in the visual-spatial modality
16:00-16:30 coffee break
16:30-17:00 Pamela Perniss, Asli Özyürek (MPI for Psycholinguistics and
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
A cross-linguistic comparison of co-speech
gesture and sign: Constraints on the visual-spatial modality in
representations of motion events
17:00-17:30 Mieke Van Herreweghe (Ghent University, Belgium), Myriam
Vermeerbergen (Research Foundation – Flanders/ Universiteit van
Amsterdam/ University of the Free State, Belgium/ The Netherlands)
Referent tracking in two unrelated sign languages
and in home systems
17:30-18:00 David Quinto-Pozos (University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA), Fey Parrill (Case Western Reserve University,
Enactment as a communicative strategy: A
comparison between English co-speech gesture and American Sign Language
18:00-18:30 Renate Fischer/ Simon Kollien (University of Hamburg,
Sound symbolism in GSL?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
09:00-09:30 Sherman Wilcox (University of New Mexico, USA)
Two Routes from Gesture to Language
09:30-10:00 Ronnie B. Wilbur, Evguenia Malaia (Purdue University, Sign
Language Linguistics Research Laboratory, USA)
From Encyclopedic Semantics to Grammatical
Aspects: Converging Evidence From ASL and Co-Speech Gestures
10:00-10:30 Cornelia Mueller (European University Viadrina, Germany)
Creating gestures and signs: gestural modes of
representation and classifiers in sign-languages
10:30-11:00 Dorothea Cogill-Koez (Language and Cognition Research
Centre University of New England, Australia)
Reanalysing gesture in terms of channel,
representational principle, and structural level: A common ground
beneath signed and spoken communication systems?
11:00-11:30 coffee break
11:30-12:00 Christian Rathmann (University of Bristol, England)
Iconicity, Lexicalization and Grammaticization:
Implications for Sign vs. Gesture
12:00-12:30 Jana Bressem, Silva Ladewig (VW-Project “Towards a Grammar
of Gesture“, European University Viadrina, Germany)
Discovering structures in gestures on the basis
of the four parameters of Sign Language
12:30-13:00 Gaurav Mathur (Gallaudet University Washington D.C., USA)
Does gesture have phonology? Insights from
signed languages
Friday, February 29, 2008
09:00-09:30 Susanne Tag (VW-Project “Towards a Grammar of Gesture“,
European University Viadrina, Germany)
Simultaneity in Co-speech Gestures
09:30-10:00 Paula Marentette, Elena Nicoladis (University of Alberta,
Iconicity and simultaneity in the
gesture-language link: A comparison of ASL signers and English speakers
10:00-10:30 Myriam Vermeerbergen (Research Foundation – Flanders/
Universiteit van Amsterdam/ University of the Free State, Belgium/ The
Netherlands), Eline Demey (Ghent University, Belgium)
Sign + Gesture = Speech + Gesture? Comparing
Aspects of Simultaneity in Flemish Sign Language to Instances of
Concurrent Speech and Gesture
10:30-11:00 coffee break
11:00-11:30 Phyllis Perrin Wilcox (University of New Mexico, USA)
Substantiation of Metonymy in American Sign
11:30-12:00 Irene Mittelberg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The
Contiguity relationships within and across
semiotic modes: A Jakobsonian perspective on metonymy
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<bigger>30th Annual Convention of the German Society of Linguistics</bigger>
Bamberg (27.-29.2.2008)
Workshop 11
Gestures: A comparison of signed and spoken languages
Ulrike Wrobel, Cornelia Mueller, Jens Hessmann
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
14:00-14:30 Konrad Ehlich (München/ Berlin, Germany)
<italic>Nonverbal – international? Oder von der vermeintlichen
Universalität der Gestik und ihren universal-theoretischen Gründen
14:30-15:00 Adam Kendon (Philadelphia, Naples, USA/ Italy)
<italic>Some reflections on ‘gesture’ and ‘sign’</italic>
15:00-15:30 Gisela Fehrmann (University of Cologne, Germany)
<italic>Shifters: The gestural dimension of
symbolic reference in German Sign language </italic>
15:30-16:00 Jennie Pyers (Wellesley College, Boston, USA), Pamela
Perniss (MPI for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University Nijmegen,
The Netherlands), Karen Emmorey (San Diego State University, San
Diego, USA)
<italic> Viewpoint in the visual-spatial
16:00-16:30 coffee break
16:30-17:00 Pamela Perniss, Asli Özyürek (MPI for Psycholinguistics
and Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
<italic>A cross-linguistic comparison of
co-speech gesture and sign: Constraints on the visual-spatial modality
in representations of motion events</italic>
17:00-17:30 Mieke Van Herreweghe (Ghent University, Belgium), Myriam
Vermeerbergen (Research Foundation – Flanders/ Universiteit van
Amsterdam/ University of the Free State, Belgium/ The Netherlands)
<italic> Referent tracking in two unrelated sign
languages and in home systems
17:30-18:00 David Quinto-Pozos (University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA), Fey Parrill (Case Western Reserve University,
<italic> Enactment as a communicative strategy:
A comparison between English co-speech gesture and American Sign
18:00-18:30 Renate Fischer/ Simon Kollien (University of Hamburg,
<italic>Sound symbolism in GSL?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
09:00-09:30 Sherman Wilcox (University of New Mexico, USA)
<italic>Two Routes from Gesture to Language</italic>
09:30-10:00 Ronnie B. Wilbur, Evguenia Malaia (Purdue University, Sign
Language Linguistics Research Laboratory, USA)
<italic>From Encyclopedic Semantics to
Grammatical Aspects: Converging Evidence From ASL and Co-Speech
10:00-10:30 Cornelia Mueller (European University Viadrina, Germany)
<italic> Creating gestures and signs: gestural
modes of representation and classifiers in sign-languages</italic>
10:30-11:00 Dorothea Cogill-Koez (Language and Cognition Research
Centre University of New England, Australia)
<italic>Reanalysing gesture in terms of
channel, representational principle, and structural level: A common
ground beneath signed and spoken communication systems?</italic>
11:00-11:30 coffee break
11:30-12:00 Christian Rathmann (University of Bristol, England)
<italic> Iconicity, Lexicalization and
Grammaticization: Implications for Sign vs. Gesture</italic>
12:00-12:30 Jana Bressem, Silva Ladewig (VW-Project “Towards a Grammar
of Gesture“, European University Viadrina, Germany)
<italic>Discovering structures in gestures on
the basis of the four parameters of Sign Language</italic>
12:30-13:00 Gaurav Mathur (Gallaudet University Washington D.C., USA)
<italic>Does gesture have phonology? Insights
from signed languages</italic>
Friday, February 29, 2008
09:00-09:30 Susanne Tag (VW-Project “Towards a Grammar of Gesture“,
European University Viadrina, Germany)
<italic> Simultaneity in Co-speech Gestures</italic>
09:30-10:00 Paula Marentette, Elena Nicoladis (University of Alberta,
<italic>Iconicity and simultaneity in the
gesture-language link: A comparison of ASL signers and English speakers</italic>
10:00-10:30 Myriam Vermeerbergen (Research Foundation – Flanders/
Universiteit van Amsterdam/ University of the Free State, Belgium/ The
Netherlands), Eline Demey (Ghent University, Belgium)
<italic>Sign + Gesture = Speech + Gesture?
Comparing Aspects of Simultaneity in Flemish Sign Language to
Instances of Concurrent Speech and Gesture</italic>
10:30-11:00 coffee break
11:00-11:30 Phyllis Perrin Wilcox (University of New Mexico, USA)
<italic>Substantiation of Metonymy in American
Sign Language</italic>
11:30-12:00 Irene Mittelberg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The
<italic> Contiguity relationships within and
across semiotic modes: A Jakobsonian perspective on metonymy</italic>
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