e-group on African Deaf Studies
Nyst, V.A.S.
v.a.s.nyst at let.leidenuniv.nl
Sun May 18 19:26:01 UTC 2008
Dear all,
Sign languages, Deaf communities and deafness in Africa is a little studied research area. With a limited number of researchers and a vast continent with its own dynamics in this field (sign language diglossia, no formal education for majority of deaf people, high incidence of deafness due to limited access to medical care, general lack of resources, etc.), the need was felt for a platform for people involved in Deaf studies in Africa to exchange information on this topic. Our first step was to set up an e-group on African Deaf Studies: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DeafStudies-Africa/ So far, all messages have been in English, but messages in French and Portuguese can be posted as well. You are welcome to join our group or to circulate this information to anybody interested.
Hope to see you there!
Sophie Dalle-Nazebi
Shane Gilchrist Ó hEorpa
Victoria Nyst
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