SignTyp: Crosslinguistic sign language database available online

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at
Fri Apr 17 11:25:48 UTC 2009

Can you please explain the rationale for restricting the use of this
program? It seems to me that you are better off using a license that makes
it compulsory to share the results.

2009/4/16 Rachel Channon <rchannon at>

>  The SignTyp project is pleased to announce that a new version of the
> SignTyp database is now available at the Linguistics Data Consortium web
> site, at
> A zipped file contains both database and documentation. It is free to all
> researchers for non-commercial purposes.  SignTyp is supported by grant
> BCS0544944 from the National Science Foundation to Drs. Harry van der Hulst
> and Rachel Channon at the University of Connecticut.
> SignTyp is a prototype of a crosslinguistic database containing
> phonetic-phonological encoding of signs in a variety of sign languages,
> using datasets that had already been coded by various researchers. Setting a
> goal comparable to, for example, CHILDES (MacWhinney 2000), SignTyp provides
> a home for existing datasets from different linguists. A uniform coding
> system has been developed which translates the varying coding systems. The
> primary focus of this system is to notate form properties of sign that are
> potentially distinctive or phonological, so that researchers can analyze
> these potentially distinctive values, and determine which elements are
> actually non-distinctive or phonetic and which are truly phonological.
> Multiple languages also allow the determination of which characteristics are
> cross-linguistically distinctive.
> The database currently includes almost 12,000 signs in nine different
> language sets, for six different sign languages, from four annotating groups
> or individuals: ASL (3 different time periods), Sign Language of the
> Netherlands, Korean Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language, New Zealand Sign
> Language, and Finnish Sign language (two different time periods). We would
> like to thank the individuals who provided us with these datasets: Daisuke
> Hara, Lorna Rozelle and the SignPhon group (Harry van der Hulst, Onno
> Crasborn, Els van der Kooij, Marja Blees and others – see Crasborn, van
> der Hulst and van der Kooij 2001).  The Hara and Rozelle data were the
> datasets they used in their dissertations (Hara 2003 and Rozelle 2003), and
> the SignPhon data was used for dissertations by Crasborn (2001) and van der
> Kooij (2002).  Rachel Channon provided the final ASL dataset based on the
> Long (1918) ASL dictionary. The sign sets vary in what has been coded, with
> some sets including more information than others.
> * *
> *References*
> Crasborn, Onno, Harry van der Hulst and Els van der Kooij. 2001. SignPhon:
> A phonological database for sign languages. Sign Language and Linguistics 4:
> 1/2, pp. 215-228.
> Crasborn, Onno. 2001. Phonetic Implementation of Phonological Categories in
> Sign Language of the Netherlands. Doctoral dissertation, Leiden University,
> The Netherlands.
> Hara, Daisuke. 2003. A Complexity-Based Approach to the Syllable Formation
> in Sign Language. Doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago.
> Long, J. Schuyler. 1918. *The Sign Language: A Manual of Signs*.
> Washington DC: Gallaudet College.
> MacWhinney, Brian. 2000. The CHILDES project: Tools for analyzing talk.
> Third Edition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
> Rozelle, Lorna. 2003. The Structure of Sign Language Lexicons: Inventory
> and Distribution of Handshape and Location. Doctoral dissertation,
> University of Washington.
> van der Hulst, Harry and Rachel Channon. 2008. Annual Report to the
> National Science Foundation for grant 0544944.
> van der Kooij, Els. 2002. Phonological Categories in Sign Language of the
> Netherlands: The Role of Phonetic Implementation and Iconicity. Doctoral
> dissertation, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
> Rachel Channon
> University of Connecticut
> Department of Linguistics, Unit 1145
> 337 Mansfield Road
> Storrs, CT 06269-1145
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