Vacancy: post-doc, Sign language phonetics

Onno Crasborn o.crasborn at
Mon Mar 16 14:26:28 UTC 2009

Post-doctoral researcher ‘Sign language phonetics’ (1,0 fte)

Faculty of Arts, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Vacancy number: 23.11.09

Closing date: April 4, 2009

Job description

This project forms part of SignSpeak, a European collaborative effort  
towards automatic recognition of sign language from video. The goal of  
this project is to investigate aspects of the phonetics of sign  
language production that relate to boundaries between signs. The  
central theme to be addressed is the sequential patterning of manual  
movements, including broad questions such as what kinds of  
coarticulation can be found in signed languages and what the nature is  
of the transitional movements between signs. A large corpus of 72  
hours of dialogues by deaf signers from the Netherlands is available  
for analysis. Depending on the background of the candidate, it is also  
possible to perform experimental kinematic studies using motion  
tracking equipment.
In addition to carrying out phonetic research, the researcher is  
charged with the day-to-day supervision of two (deaf and hearing)  
assistants who annotate video recordings for the SignSpeak project.


The successful candidate has:

	• a PhD degree in sign language phonetics, spoken language phonetics,  
movement sciences, or a closely related discipline
	• good writing and presentation skills
	• a good knowledge of English
	• at least basic signing skills in one signed language or is willing  
to acquire these skills
	• a good track record of working in teams.


The Centre for Language Studies is one of the two research institutes  
at the Faculty of Arts, Radboud University Nijmegen. It has a staff of  
around 70 FTEs, including some 35 PhD students and postdoctoral  
researchers. About 45% of our research projects are externally funded,  
three of which have been granted prestigious EURYI/ERC awards. CLS  
received an outstanding research assessment in 2006. Focused on  
broadly theoretically based empirical research and affiliated with the  
on-campus Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and the Donders  
Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, it provides a  
stimulating research climate and excellent opportunities for graduate  

The present project is part of the European SignSpeak project, a joint  
effort of four research institutes, the European Union of the Deaf,  
and Telefónica, a Spanish telecommunication company. The project will  
be carried out in the research group on Signed Languages within the  
Grammar & Cognition programme of the Centre for Language Studies, in  
close collaboration with the other (deaf and hearing) team members.  
The research will be conducted within the Department of Linguistics in  
collaboration with Dr O.A. Crasborn, the SignSpeak coordinator for  
Radboud University. The proposed research will result in several  
scientific articles to be published in high-quality journals.

Conditions of employment

The total duration of the contract is three years. The researcher will  
be offered an initial contract for one year with the possibility of  
prolongation for another two years.

He/she will receive a salary dependent on qualifications and work  
experience between a minimum of €3,195 up to a maximum of €4,374 gross  
per month for a fulltime position.


Additional information and a summary of the research proposal can be  
obtained from

Dr O.A. Crasborn at o.crasborn at

Application letters, including extensive CV (with vacancy number:  
23.11.09, preferably by

e-mail) schould be sent to:

Radboud University Nijmegen, Faculty of Arts,

Department of Human Resources, attn. of Mr P. Stunnenberg

P.O. Box 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen, the Netherlands

E-mail: vacatures at

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