Sign languages taught in primary/elementary & secondary/high schools?

Adam Schembri A.Schembri at LATROBE.EDU.AU
Fri Apr 1 04:49:32 UTC 2011

Thanks Dan - I've forwarded your message on to my colleague, Amanda Lyons.
Associate Professor Adam Schembri
Director, National Institute for Deaf Studies and Sign Language
La Trobe University | Melbourne (Bundoora) | Victoria |  3086 |  Australia
Tel: +61 3 9479 2887 | Fax: +61 3 9479 3074 |

On 1/04/11 3:29 PM, "Dan Parvaz" <dparvaz at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

>In the US, it's a mixed bag -- foreign languages aren't always
>well-supported within the K-12 system -- but there are instances of ASL
>courses taught within the primary and secondary schools. The organization
>pushing for instructional standards within the US (and Canada?) is the
>American Sign Language Teachers' Association...
>... and I think the Wilcoxen still maintain some material on standards and
>justification ("Learning to See", etc.).
>Two steps forward, one step back...

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