Sign languages taught in primary/elementary & secondary/high schools?

Siglinde Pape siglinde.pape at GMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 1 08:37:03 UTC 2011

since 2008 France's national secondary-school diploma (baccalauréat)
includes LSF as an optional language for anyone (Deaf, CODA, hearing...).
(the pilot project even started in 2006/2007.) it was attended by 188 people
the first year.
in 2009 it was extended to technical baccalaureat (504 inscriptions
in 2010 it was extended to professional baccalaureat (717 inscriptions
the demand is increasing even too quickly for the number of qualified
examiners, so it's a hurry when it comes to take the exams!

if your colleague reads French and if she is interested by it, I can send
her the official law texts setting up these exams.

2011/4/1 Alessandro Zucchi <alessandro.zucchi at>

> In Italy, there is a grammar school in Cossato (near Biella in Piedmont)
> where sign language is taught both to hearing and to deaf children.
> You can contact alessandra.battagin at  (Alessandra Battagin) for
> more info.
> Ciao,
> sandro
> Il giorno 01/apr/11, alle ore 05:13, Adam Schembri ha scritto:
> A colleague is preparing a response to a recent Australian government paper
> on teaching languages other than English in primary and secondary schools
> here which lists a range of spoken languages as 'priority languages' for
> teaching, but does not list Auslan among those languages (a change from a
> former government language policy in which it was included as a 'prority
> language'). She asked me to ask colleagues on the SLLING-L: is/are your
> national sign language(s) taught to hearing children in primary/elementary
> and secondary/high schools in your country?
> Does anyone know where my colleague can obtain information about sign
> language instruction in schools in other countries (NB: we are not looking
> for information about the use of sign language as a language of instruction
> in schools/units/programmes for deaf children)?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> --
> Associate Professor Adam Schembri
> Director, National Institute for Deaf Studies and Sign Language
> La Trobe University | Melbourne (Bundoora) | Victoria |  3086 |  Australia
> Tel: +61 3 9479 2887 | Fax: +61 3 9479 3074 | construction)
> -------------------------
> Alessandro Zucchi
> Dipartimento di Filosofia
> Università degli Studi di Milano
> alessandro.zucchi at
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