Academic position available at University College London

Woll, Bencie b.woll at UCL.AC.UK
Wed Dec 21 14:59:47 UTC 2011

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Multimodal Communication, - Ref:1222394
UCL Department / Division of Psychology & Language Sciences
Specific unit / Sub department  of Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences
Grades 7-8-9
Hours Full Time
Salary (inclusive of London allowance) Lecturer Grade 7: £35,557 - £38,594 per annum or Grade 8: £39,668 - £46,822 per annum, Senior Lecturer Grade 9: £50,902 - £55,362 per annum
Duties and Responsibilities
We seek to appoint an internationally recognised early-career scientist who will develop an international profile in the field of Multimodal Communication (including, e.g., cognitive neuroscience of sign language, co-speech gesture, audio-visual integration in communication). We are seeking candidates who will attract independent funding and establish collaborations within UCL, nationally and internationally. The successful candidate will also be expected to develop new teaching programmes in this field.
Key Requirements
Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent in Psychology or a related subject, with training in teaching methods and some experience of teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The post-holder will have a track record of extensive publications in high quality international peer-reviewed scientific journals and conferences, as well as an active research profile at international level with a track record of external research grant funding, commensurate with age and experience.  The successful candidate must have excellent communication skills, and evidence of promoting excellence in areas of teaching and research.

Further Details
A job description and person specification can be accessed at the bottom of this page.

To apply for the vacancy please click on the 'Apply Now' button below.

Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Gabriella Vigliocco (g.vigliocco at<mailto:g.vigliocco at>)

For information about the application process, please contact Sonia Theodoric s.theodoric at<mailto:s.theodoric at>
We particularly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic minority, as they are under-represented within UCL at this level.

UCL Taking Action for Equality
Closing Date
10 Feb 2012
Latest time for the submission of applications
Interview date
Mid/End February 2012 onwards.
This appointment is subject to UCL Terms and Conditions of Service for Academic Staff.

Please use these links to find out more about the UCL Terms and Conditions<> related to this job, employee benefits<> that we offer and further information about UCL<>.
Job Description and Person Specification<>

  *   Apply Now<>

Bencie Woll BA, MA, PhD
Director, Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre UCL
49 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PD
+44 20 7679 8670 (voice)
+44 20 7679 8691 (fax)
+44 20 7679 8693 (Minicom/TDD)
+44 792 024 7640 (Mobile)

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