Purdue: Survey about ASL Linguistic Information

Robin Shay roshay22 at AOL.COM
Tue Jun 7 01:44:39 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,

1. We are trying a new method of obtaining linguistic information about
ASL. We invite you to visit our survey and give us some feedback on
some ASL structures. We hope this will only take 10-15 minutes of your

2.  At the end of the survey, if you are willing to give us feedback on
the survey itself, take future surveys, and/or get a final report from
this survey, please leave your email where indicated. Otherwise the
survey is anonymous.

3. You can help us by forwarding this email to other people who you
know would be willing to complete the survey.

4. The survey will close at 5 PM on Tuesday June 14.

Follow this link to the Survey:


Thank you.
Ronnie Wilbur
Purdue ASL Linguistics Research Group

Sent from my iPad
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