ECML grant

Saulo Xavier saulo.xavier at GMAIL.COM
Wed Oct 19 17:27:09 UTC 2011

Congratulations! Hope everything goes right in this new project just
released! Greetings from Brazil!
Saulo Xavier.

2011/10/19 Sonja Erlenkamp <sonja.erlenkamp at>

> Congratulations! That is really great news. Well done!
> Sonja
> ________________________________
> Fra: linguists interested in signed languages på vegne av Beppie van den
> Bogaerde
> Sendt: on 19.10.2011 17:13
> Emne: ECML grant
> Dear all,
> With pleasure, we would like to announce that our ECML project proposal
> "PRO-Sign" has been awarded. The main aim of the ECML project (2012-2015) is
> to establish European standards for specifying sign language proficiency in
> Deaf Studies and Sign Language Interpreting programs at institutions of
> Higher Education. Specifically, the project will (a) provide definitions of
> proficiency levels for signed languages, (b) provide an elaboration of
> curricula that focus on these levels with specifications of signed language
> curricula for L2 learners; and (c) develop a sample assessment kit for
> signed language proficiency. Ultimately, it will enhance awareness and
> inclusion of European sign languages and Deaf communities in European
> society. Further project-related details will follow in due course.
> Dr. Lorraine Leeson, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
> Dr. Beppie van den Bogaerde, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, The
> Netherlands
> Dr. Tobias Haug, Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik, Switzerland
> Dr. Christian Rathmann, Universität Hamburg, Germany
> The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML): <
> Best,
> Tobias, Lorraine, Beppie and Christian
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