Sign Language Corpora Survey

Reiner Konrad reiner.konrad at SIGN-LANG.UNI-HAMBURG.DE
Fri Jan 13 17:03:38 UTC 2012

Dear List members,
In Sept. 2010, I made a Sign Language Corpora Survey available on the web ( The poster-sized chart lists 37 corpora of 35 ongoing or completed corpus projects on 15 sign languages. In addition to providing general information on research objectives, specifications on corpus data are grouped by raw data, metadata and primary data (annotation, lemmatisation, transcription). Further information such as resources and references are provided separately in a reference file.

I'd like to update this survey in order to make substantial and useful information on sl corpora available for all interested in sl corpus linguistics.
If your project is already listed, please review the given information and send me an e-mail with up-to-date information on your corpus.
If you have already started a corpus project that is not yet in this survey, please fill out the questionnaire so that the figures on /Information about your project will be displayed in the updated version of this survey.
If you are in contact with other researchers involved in sl documentation and corpus building, please encourage them to contribute to this survey.

I hope to hear/read from you until March 16, 2012 so that the next update of this survey will be available at the end of March 2012, in time for the LREC 2012 workshop "Interactions between Corpus and Lexicon" (Istanbul, 27 may 2012; see:

Thank you,
Reiner Konrad 

Dr. Reiner Konrad

Universitaet Hamburg
Fakultaet für Geisteswissenschaften
Department Sprache, Literatur und Medien (SLM) I
Institut für Deutsche Gebaerdensprache und Kommunikation Gehoerloser (IDGS)

University of Hamburg
Institute of German Sign Language

Binderstr. 34
20146 Hamburg – Germany

Tel.: +49-40-428 38-6734

Geschaeftszimmer: +49-40-428 38-6737
ST: +49-40-428 38-6738
Fax: +49-40-428 38-6109
mailto: Reiner.Konrad at

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