death of sign language

Ulrike Zeshan UZeshan at UCLAN.AC.UK
Wed Mar 28 07:48:20 UTC 2012

Hi all,

this is some work following the latest expert meeting at UNESCO in Paris and the WFD-EUD conference on sign languages as endangered languages. It is not connected with CEFR. The current version of the questionnaire, produced with input from researchers on endangered village sign languages and from the WFD  expert committee on sign languages, will shortly be made available for everyone to comment on further - and to use for collecting data if you wish. I will inform everyone through the list. I would also be happy to post this on the SLLS website if there is interest in having it accessible through there.


From: linguists interested in signed languages [mailto:SLLING-L at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU] On Behalf Of Mark A. Mandel
Sent: 27 March 2012 19:21
Subject: Re: death of sign language

Ulrike, is this connected with the CEFR<> (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and the efforts to adapt it for SLs?
* CEFR for Signed Languages European Program<>: Website under construction; page last modified 21 March 2012. "More information shortly. For further questions please contact us at mail at<mailto:mail at>
*CEFR Sign language - preliminary design study (2011-2012)<> for the Swiss SLs

-- Mark

On 12.03.27, at 5:50 AM, Ulrike Zeshan wrote:

HI, UNESCO has had a project on language endangerment, and a methodology for assessing language vitality was developed by the UNESCO expert group in 2003.

Web link:

This can apply to sign languages in principle, but a number of questions for assessment of the language situation need to be adapted for sign languages. We have started doing some work on this with UNESCO and WFD.


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