Full Professional Qualification: Part-time, two year programme for entry-level and novice interpreters

COLLINS J.M. j.m.collins at DURHAM.AC.UK
Tue Sep 18 15:45:36 UTC 2012

MA Translation Studies - BSL Strand
Durham University

Part-time, two year programme for entry-level and novice interpreters leading to full professional qualification

The Durham approach to Translation Studies offers a distinctive perspective to BSL translation/interpreting. Translation study is positioned as an essential component for interpreters. The School of Modern Languages & Cultures provides a languages rich and multicultural environment to study. The MA BSL strand uses innovative and contemporary approaches to study.

Programme structure
Year One provides a foundation for student development and tutor assessment at the end of which advice and recommendation regarding options for Year Two will be given. All modules have a 50% minimum pass for all assignments and exams. A student intending to follow the professional interpreter route needs to be at the point in their development where they may achieve minimum assessment criteria for the Interpreting module of Year Two, Option One.

The BSL strand offers options for academic study of theory and practice and a route into the profession of translation/interpreting. The MA module options are also suitable for either experienced or entry level interpreters wishing to pursue research aims. A programme of module options can be chosen to suit (a) entry level interpreting students who may or may not have previous general translation/interpreting experience and (b) experienced interpreters wishing to undertake academic study of interpreting and translation.

Go to: www.dur.ac.uk/mlac/postgraduate/transstuds/bsl/<http://www.dur.ac.uk/mlac/postgraduate/transstuds/bsl/>

Contact: Judith M Collins <j.m.collins at durham.ac.uk<mailto:j.m.collins at durham.ac.uk>>

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