Conference announcement: "From Hand to Mouth: A dialogue between spoken and signed language research" in Zurich, Switzerland
Tobias Haug
tobias.haug at HFH.CH
Thu Feb 14 13:58:05 UTC 2013
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to make you aware of the international conference From Hand
to Mouth: A dialogue between spoken and signed language research which will
take place Sept. 5 7, 2013 at the University of Zürich. The purpose of
the conference is to further a discussion of linguistic concepts and
methodology based on a comparison of research in oral and signed languages.
The conference pairs lectures on specific themes by spoken and signed
language researchers who are all internationally well-known in their fields.
Each pair of lectures will be followed by a moderated synthesis session in
which the lecturers will discuss the research similarities and differences
in their fields.
The targeted themes and paired spoken language / signed language researchers
are the following:
Lexicography: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Behr / Dr. Reiner Konrad
Deixis and Space: Prof. Dr. Heiko Hausendorf / Dr. Jörg Keller
Typology: Prof. Dr. Balthasar Bickel / Prof. Dr. Ulrike
Morphology and Syntax: Prof. Dr. Christa Dürscheid, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth
Stark / Prof. Dr. Roland Pfau
Psycholinguistics: Dr. Sabine Stoll / Prof. Dr. Gary Morgan
Neurolinguistics: Prof. Dr. Martin Meyer / Dr. Mairead MacSweeney
Corpus Linguistics: Prof. Dr. Anke Lüdeling / Thomas Hanke
The conference will be opened by an overview by Prof. Dr. Tobias Haug of
sign language research that has been done in Switzerland and a poster
session of work that has been done by young Swiss researchers. The
conference will close with a discussion session involving the lecturers and
the conference participants.
The official languages for the conference are English and International Sign.
Further information (also in Swiss German Sign Language, DSGS, and
International Sign) can be found on the conference website
We hope we will be able to welcome some of you to Zürich in September!
With best greetings,
The Conference Organising Committee
Penny Boyes Braem, Alexandra Bünzli, Miriam Dittmar, Sarah Ebling, Tobias
Haug, Agnes Kolmer, Sabine Stoll
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