New tool for spreading lectures in sign language along with presentations

Tamara Kovacova tamara.kovacova at SEZNAM.CZ
Thu Jan 24 12:12:43 UTC 2013

Dear Collegues,

I am very sorry for unwanted e-maiI, but I would like to share with
you our possitive experience with unique and new tool for spreading
lectures in sign language along with presentations. It is easy and
very usefull tool for our work, so this is the reason why I am
informing you about it.

Project SlidesLive takes slides and video, put it together
automatically and place it on-line. It's than is easily available for
all your students at any time. Using this solution you can focus
camera on the signer (or at the speaker and interpreter) and let
SlidesLive software to do the slides. It is very simple to do it.

We tried it on our Open house day at our Deaf studies dep. at Charles
University in Prague and here you can see results

The tool is widely used by non-signing lectures as well, and you can
see that on .

To use it for your work, you can download free app for recording at
any time from

In case that you have any questions, feel free to contact Vojta Ciml
(founder of SlidesLive) in case of your interest, he is looking
forward to discuss details of your cooperation.

Hopefully you will find this app usefull for your work as we did it
:-). So that is the reason why I am letting you know about that.

With kind wishes,

Tamara Kovacova,
external lecturer at Deaf Studes dep. at Charles University in Prague

Contacts for Vojta Ciml:
GSM: +420 737 678 983
mail: vojtaciml at
Twitter: @wojtaw

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